Thursday, May 16, 2024

Ring for Jeeves

Ring for Jeeves
by P.G. Wodehouse

The only Jeeves story in which Bertie Wooster makes no appearance, involves Jeeves on secondment as butler and general factotum to William Belfry, ninth Earl of Rowcester (pronounced Roaster). Despite his impressive title, Bill Belfry is broke, which may explain why he and Jeeves have been working as Silver Ring bookies, disguised in false moustaches and loud check suits. All goes well until the terrifying Captain Brabazon-Biggar, big-game hunter, two-fisted he-man and saloon-bar bore, lays successful bets on two outsiders, leaving the would-be bookies three thousand pounds down and on the run from their creditor. But now the incandescent Captain just happens to be the former flame of Rosalinda Spottsworth, a rich American widow to whom Bill is attempting to sell his crumbling stately home...

My Reaction:
This was a shared read-aloud with Donald.  We needed something to fill in the gaps between 372-Pages books, and Wodehouse seemed like a good choice.  We selected one with "Jeeves" in the title, at random, and ended up with the only one without Wooster!  (I believe we've read them all before this, but it's been a while, and to be honest, they tend to blur together in my memory, so we didn't know which was which.)

The lack of Wooster was a little disappointing, and this isn't Wodehouse at his very best, but it's still not bad.  I think we had some good laughs along the way.