Sunday, January 29, 2023

A Pelican at Blandings

A Pelican at Blandings
by P.G. Wodehouse

Blandings Castle lacks its usual balm for the Earl of Emsworth, as his stern sister Lady Constance Keeble is once more in residence. The Duke of Dunstable is also infesting the place again, along with the standard quota of American millionaires, romantic youths, con artists, imposters and so on. With a painting of a reclining nude at the centre of numerous intrigues, Gally's genius is once again required to sort things out.

My Reaction:
I read this together with Donald, in between "assignments" for the 372 Pages We'll Never Get Back book club / podcast.  (I've yet to read Wodehouse solo, that I can recall...)  

There's not much to say:  It's typical Wodehouse, with just about everything you expect from him.  Maybe it's not one of his very best works, but it's still pretty darn good— clever, light, and funny.  Even at his less-than-best, Wodehouse is the perfect antidote for the more depressing realities of life!